《Pokemon GO》Android 0.35.0 及 iOS 1.5.0 版本更新已經正式推出,相信大家都知道當中最大的改動是加入了「能力評價」(Appraisal)這項新功能。雖則有關評價的內容比較抽象,看似沒有什麼用途,然而不同的評價原來會代表小精靈處於哪一個 IV 值範圍內,而且更可以顯示出部份能力值得高低。
雖然今次推出的「能力評價」依然不會直接顯示出小精靈的 IV 值,但有人就發現隊長所講出的評價本身反映出小精靈的 IV 值範圍,留意紅、藍、黃每一隊都各自會出現 4 種不同的評價內容,而每一句代表的 IV 值分別為 0%-48.9%、51.1%-64.4%、66.7%-80.0% 及 82.2%-100%。如果大家能善用的話,將可以有效先篩選走 IV 值低的小精靈,並保留 IV 值最頂級的小精靈,然後才在其他網站上去查看牠們的實際 IV 值,可以節省不少時間。
紅隊 IV 能力評價
Overall, your ____ may not be great in battle,but I still like it!(IV 0%-48.9%)
Overall, your ____ is a decent Pokemon(IV 51.1%-64.4%)
Overall, your ____ is a strong Pokemon. You should be proud!(IV 66.7%-80.0%)
Overall, your ____ simply amazes me. It can accomplish anything!(IV 82.2%-100%)
藍隊 IV 能力評價
Overall, your ____ is not likely to make much headway in battle.(IV 0%-48.9%)
Overall, your ____ is above average.(IV 51.1%-64.4%)
Overall, your ____ has certainly caught my attention.(IV 66.7%-80.0%)
Overall, your ____ is a wonder! What a breathtaking Pokemon!(IV 82.2%-100%)
黃隊 IV 能力評價
Overall, your ____ has room for improvement as far as battling goes.(IV 0%-48.9%)
Overall, your ____ is pretty decent!(IV 51.1%-64.4%)
Overall, your ____ is really strong!(IV 66.7%-80.0%)
Overall, your ____ looks like it can really battle with the best of them!(IV 82.2%-100%)
另一方面,由於 IV 值與小精靈的綜合能力有關,而綜合能力則是由「攻擊」、「防禦」及「體力」去決定,每項數值最高為 15,因此如一隻小精靈擁有完美的 100% IV 值,那麼其綜合能力便會達到 45。此外,留意「能力評價」之後還會有另一句介紹,而這句的內容則會代表「攻擊」、「防禦」及「體力」的大概高低,而這個評價亦都相當值得參考。
Its stats don’t point to greatness in battle.(最少一項數值為 0-7)
Its stats indicate that in battle, it’ll get the job done.(最少一項數值為 8-12)
It’s got excellent stats! How exciting!(最少一項數值為 13-14)
I’m blown away by its stats. WOW!(最少一項數值為 15)
Its stats are not out of the norm, in my opinion.(最少一項數值為 0-7)
Its stats are noticeably trending to the positive.(最少一項數值為 8-12)
I am certainly impressed by its stats, I must say.(最少一項數值為 13-14)
Its stats exceed my calculations. It’s incredible!(最少一項數值為 15)
Its stats are all right, but kinda basic, as far as I can see.(最少一項數值為 0-7)
It’s definitely got some good stats. Definitely!(最少一項數值為 8-12)
Its stats are really strong! Impressive.(最少一項數值為 13-14)
Its stats are the best I’ve ever seen! No doubt about it!(最少一項數值為 15)
來源:Pokemon GO Hub
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